I noticed something strange when viewing PNG files with irfanview. I created a very small test image, size 20x1 pixels (see attached "test.png"). This test image has the values 0 - 19 in 20 pixels. If I open this image in irfanview and inspect the image, I see strange results:
* number of unique colors = 7 instead of 20
* the histogram shows 4x 0, 4x 6, 3x 9, 3x 12, 3x 15, 2x 18, 1x 20
* click on individual pixels and look at the RGB values in the title bar => pixel 0-3 are 0, pixel 4-7 are 6, pixel 8-10 are 9, pixel 11-13 are 12, pixel 14-16 are 15, pixel 17 and 18 are 18, pixel 19 is 20.
I tried the same with a BMP file and got identical behavior. If I open these files in paint.net, paint ... I see all values correctly.
This seems like there is a gamma & degamma processing step with rounding issues applied in irfanview when loading these types of images.
BTW: using irfanview 4.44 - 32 bit on Win7 64 bit.
I noticed something strange when viewing PNG files with irfanview. I created a very small test image, size 20x1 pixels (see attached "test.png"). This test image has the values 0 - 19 in 20 pixels. If I open this image in irfanview and inspect the image, I see strange results:
* number of unique colors = 7 instead of 20
* the histogram shows 4x 0, 4x 6, 3x 9, 3x 12, 3x 15, 2x 18, 1x 20
* click on individual pixels and look at the RGB values in the title bar => pixel 0-3 are 0, pixel 4-7 are 6, pixel 8-10 are 9, pixel 11-13 are 12, pixel 14-16 are 15, pixel 17 and 18 are 18, pixel 19 is 20.
I tried the same with a BMP file and got identical behavior. If I open these files in paint.net, paint ... I see all values correctly.
This seems like there is a gamma & degamma processing step with rounding issues applied in irfanview when loading these types of images.
BTW: using irfanview 4.44 - 32 bit on Win7 64 bit.