Looks like whenever you want to search for miniatures and you go to another application or window the search window hides behind the miniatures window and you have to use ALT+TAB to find it. Also that happens only if you have just Miniatures window open and not the standard IrfanView viewer open with it. And if you have both open, search displays on the IrfanView viewer window not the miniatures like it probably should (search was started in the Miniatures window not the Viewer).
Thank you.
Looks like whenever you want to search for miniatures and you go to another application or window the search window hides behind the miniatures window and you have to use ALT+TAB to find it. Also that happens only if you have just Miniatures window open and not the standard IrfanView viewer open with it. And if you have both open, search displays on the IrfanView viewer window not the miniatures like it probably should (search was started in the Miniatures window not the Viewer).
Thank you.