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IrfanView 4.57 Save/Load Bulk Advanced Options not supporting UTF-8 yet

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    Fixed IrfanView 4.57 Save/Load Bulk Advanced Options not supporting UTF-8 yet

    I am using IrfanView 4.57 64-bit.

    Doing a lot of bulk operations lately. Adding text to images via bulk operations form works fine using the "Set for all images..." dialog. Checking "Add overlay text" there and hitting the "Settings" button opens the "Add overlay text to image" dialog. There in the "Text" field UTF-8 characters can be used and are added to the image flawlessly. I am using ALT-31 (Arrow down). However, trying to save the bulk settings from the "Set for all images..." dialog using the "Save settings" button saves an ini-file which still doesn't support UTF-8, unfortunately. So when re-loading the bulk settings using the "Load settings" button the saved ini-file is loaded fine, the UTF-8 chars get replaced by a question mark.

    Adding UTF-8 support for that bulk settings ini-file is highly appreciated and shouldn't be too hard to achieve :-)



    Update 2021-01-24 by LongTermUser: Irfan is informed and received screenshots and reproduction steps on 2021-01-22 as per his request.

    Update 2021-01-25 by LongTermUser: Confirmed by Irfan on 2021-01-25. He will create a fix and provide a test version for verification.

    Update 2021-01-25 by LongTermUser: Irfan provided a test version on 2021-01-25 which actually fixes the bug. Bugfix verification has already been reported back to him.
    Last edited by LongTermUser; 25.01.2021, 08:49 PM. Reason: Status Update

    Please attach the zip file for the test version for the benefit of others.
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      Irfan's test version fixing the bug see attachment

      Update 2021-01-26 by LongTermUser: Irfan's test version fixing the bug see attachment. The mentioned ini-file now is saved and loaded as UTF-8. Existing non-UTF-8 ini-files can still be loaded.
      Attached Files

