- Open a medium or large image. I was able to reproduce this bug with an image of only 1300 x 982 Pixels (1.28 MPixels).
- Enable View, Display Options, Use "Resample" for zooming.
- Select a small area (about 75 x 75 pixels).
- Click inside it to zoom in
Result If the area is very small, relative to the image, resample won't be used, so zooming is instantaneous. However, if the zoom level is high, but just low enough for resampling to be used, IrfanView will freeze. I presume that it will also depend on how much memory you have installed.
I was unable to terminate IrfanView and had to use the power button.
On restarting my PC I had to run checkdsk, which took about ten or fifteen minutes, so if you test this bug be warned that it could cause such problems.
The freezing is very easy to reproduce, but if the zoom level is not too great, IrfanView will eventually recover and the selected area will be zoomed to.
At a certain critical point, IrfanView looks like it is never going to recover — if you are prepared to wait long enough, perhaps it will recover every time. I was uncomfortable with letting my hard disk thrash for longer than two or three minutes.