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ICO files blur and zoom

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    Reported ICO files blur and zoom

    It's a cryptic title, I admit, but this is a bugreport just about that.
    This is the original *.ico file : - 24x24 - 24 Bpp. Zooming is done with plus and minus buttons.

    So 27 plusses results in a size of 315x315. But see the blurry result (Left).
    Now I activated IPaint with F12, and I get the sharp result at the Right..

    Next, to make it more complicated, I zoomed smaller to 121x121 with F12 still on.
    The size indicator in the title bar didn't change (Left).
    When F12 switched off again, blur comes back, but correct size is shown (Center).
    Then F12 on again, blur gone, and size stays shown (Right).

    But yet, from this point, when F12 is on, zooming in or out doesn't change the indicated size in the titlebar.

    Started another test by opening the original, with F12 on.
    Zooming in to the same 121x121 dimension. No indication whatsoever in the titlebar :

    Rest In Peace, Sam!

    Not a bug.

    See this post and the preceding one.
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      I see. Thanks.
      Rest In Peace, Sam!

