I am just getting started try to use InfranView 4.38 to modify photos for a website (http://fanac.org) that I support. I am using Regina Rexx under Windows XP. I don't know why the following command failed to work as expected:
@START /MAX "C:\PROGRAM FILES\IRFANVIEW\I_VIEW32.EXE" f:\fanac\newstuff\work\dsc10.jpg /info=f:\fanac\newstuff\nbrooks\deepsouth\iview.wrk /cmdexit
The selected photo displayed and InfranView returned a "0" but nothing else happened, iview.wrk was not created and InfranView was not automatically closed.
I tried various other combinations, iview.wrk without the drive & path, /cmdext first, but with no joy...
I'm sure that I'm doing something dumb, it wouldn't be the first time, but I don't know what it is.
@START /MAX "C:\PROGRAM FILES\IRFANVIEW\I_VIEW32.EXE" f:\fanac\newstuff\work\dsc10.jpg /info=f:\fanac\newstuff\nbrooks\deepsouth\iview.wrk /cmdexit
The selected photo displayed and InfranView returned a "0" but nothing else happened, iview.wrk was not created and InfranView was not automatically closed.
I tried various other combinations, iview.wrk without the drive & path, /cmdext first, but with no joy...
I'm sure that I'm doing something dumb, it wouldn't be the first time, but I don't know what it is.