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Don’t re-focus the filename field in Save As dialog when changing type

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    Requested Don’t re-focus the filename field in Save As dialog when changing type

    The Save As dialog is frustrating because as expected, the filename field automatically gets the keyboard focus so that you can enter a filename, but if you press Tab to switch to the type field to change the image type, as soon as you change it, it jumps back to the filename field. This is a real hassle.

    For example, if you want to save as a PNG, you have to press P several times to go to PCX to PBM to PDF to PGM before finally landing on PNG, and every time the type is changed, the keyboard focus jumps to the filename field which means you have to press Tab for each and every type. The same thing happens when trying to save as JPG because there are several J filetypes before JPG, and again, it requires pressing J followed by Tab each time.

    Most users have become accustomed to simply pressing the letter of the type they want, several times if necessary, but certainly not having to press Tab again and again.

    Worse, the keyboard focus does not always jump after changing the type. For example, the focus stays on the filetype field for JLS, PCX, PNG, and PPM. Of course, inconsistency goes against every UI/UX design guideline.

    The keyboard focus should remain in the user’s control unless absolutely necessary. In this case, there is no reason for the program to automatically change it because the filename field already gets focus when the dialog is created, so the user has likely already typed in a filename before changing the type. And if they need to change the filename later, then they can do that just like they have been doing in every single other program for years.

    I’m sure the auto-jumping was intended as a helpful function, but it is causes more trouble and interference than help.

    I checked in 4.37 and it was the same there too, so this is not a new problem in 4.38.

    I wouldn't be surprised if someone already reported it as a bug, rather than a feature request, but I suspect that the change was intentional, or unavoidable for some reason.

    I agree that it's not ideal for keyboard users.
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      I do not have Irfanview here on vacation but I think that the first issue (multiple pressing of j and p keys) has been discussed before. As l recall there are alternatives to Tab using up/down arrow keys. Press k then up arrow for jpg for example.
      Regarding the other issue, I think the Tab order is File name box then File type. If you want to do it in the opposite order then you need to press Shift+Tab for a Back Tab.

