This could be a lot better with some simple tweaks to use the available space more efficiently.
1. The default sample text could be changed to:
2. The Font Title could be larger and show the typeface
3. The file size on disk could be shown
4. The creation date could be shown
5. The version and copyright strings don't need the labels Version and Copyright.
Final result might be like the attachment.
1. The default sample text could be changed to:
@ ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRSTU VWXYZ abcde fghij klmno pqrstu vwxyz 12345 67890 ~#$%^&*() +-=×÷±<>¬ []\ /{}¦| :;'.,"«» !? ¡¿ ¢£¤¥§¶ ªº©®™ °¹²³ ´¸`·¨¯ ¼½¾ ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆ ÈÉÊË ÌÍÎÏ ÒÓÔÕÖØ ÙÚÛÜ ÇÐÑ àáâãäåæ èéêë ìíï òóôõöø ùúûü çðñ ÿýÝ µßÞþ
3. The file size on disk could be shown
4. The creation date could be shown
5. The version and copyright strings don't need the labels Version and Copyright.
Final result might be like the attachment.