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Batch Scan Output Filename as Suffix

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    Requested Batch Scan Output Filename as Suffix

    in the multiple scan actually is possible to create:
    pic-01 pic-02 pic-03.... because the Output File Name is used as prefix.
    Is it possible to put this "file name" as a final of the name, such as:
    01-pic 02-pic 03-pic
    I think it's not difficult to add a selector to the right of the "output file name" frame.
    a stupid (i suppose) option maybe but useful for me, having to scan daily "page1 (front)" and "page2 (back)" and having to watch them in this order 01-page1, 01-page2, 02-page1, 02-page2...

    thank you very much!

    Just leave the file name blank, then run a batch rename job after the scan has finished to append the file name to the number.
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      Originally posted by Bhikkhu Pesala View Post
      Just leave the file name blank, then run a batch rename job after the scan has finished to append the file name to the number.
      yes i know this way. this is the way i actually do the naming.
      i save all the front pages in a folder, all the back pages in a second, then, using AntRenamer i append a suffix to all the front files' names and an other suffix to the others.
      i only was wondering if it could be possible to do it directly (in future versions) from iview.
      thx for the answer btw

