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Better selection and zoom support

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    Requested Better selection and zoom support

    I noticed a few things when i was cutting an image in smaller images using irfanview (version 4.00)

    * When adjust image to window size is on. Then zoom. Then minimize and restore the screen the manual zooming is gone.
    * When zooming in or out selection is lost.
    * When moving the right selection border to the right, moving the image inside the window to the right a couple of times (because it's zoomed much). The left selection border moves with it (seems like a bug)

    Also for the paint feature (version 4.10) it would be nice if you can insert text in an image.

    I cannot reproduce any of these issues. I am using the Bug Fix version in this post.

    IrfanPaint has the ability to insert formatted text into an image.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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      I agree with Bhikkhu on the first, but I can certainly reproduce the second one. That is normal. A selection box drawn on screen is always lost when you zoom the image. It should stay displayed when you scroll the image though; the box will move with the image.
      I am not sure that I fully understand the third one. Are you pressing the left mouse key when dragging the right side of the box? If you press the right mouse key you will drag the whole box.


        I try to explain my first post. I have irfanview 4.10 on this computer aswell now.

        * When fit to screen is selected, the image is again resized to fit to screen after minimized and window restored. So zoom & selection is lost. feature request is to keep the "custom" zoom level.
        * I know that the loss of the selection box when zooming is "normal", i would like it as a feature that it remains when zooming.
        * 3th: selection moves, i can either not recreate it with another picture or it's fixed in 4.10. I'm sure i had it dozens of times before though.

        I forgot to add a feature request:
        * Snap selection to pixels. To me it's pretty confussing wether i did get that border at the pixel right or not

        About inserting text, i overlooked this feature in the menu. I expected it at the paint toolbar (f12). As with windows paint.


          Originally posted by Flip View Post
          About inserting text, i overlooked this feature in the menu. I expected it at the paint toolbar (f12). As with windows paint.
          The built-in text function is very limited, if you want a better one download the latest version of the paint plugin and use its text tool.
          IrfanPaint developer
          The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
          IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).

