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Shift+W Toggle Fit Window/Fit Nothing

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    Requested Shift+W Toggle Fit Window/Fit Nothing

    Please let this be a mistake, not a deliberate feature.
    I was delighted to see the new Shift+W hotkey to set 'Fit Image to Window' Display view, but dismayed to find that the toggle action for 1:1 size took me to 'Fit Window to Image'.
    The whole point of using 'Fit Image to window' is to fit the image without changing the size of the window. The toggle action for 1:1 must be to 'Do not Fit anything' view. That is the only full size view that leaves the window as the user set it.

    I understand what you mean. But if you are just toggling, then why not use Ctrl+H for 1:1, and F5 or U to fit again. Under most circumstances this should be acceptable.


      True perhaps, Skippybox, unless you have made an edit in which case you will lose the changes.
      You could apply your argument to shortcut keys F and Shift+F too. The purpose of the toggle action of all these keys is surely to switch between the "Fit" display views and their equivalent "1:1" views. "Fit window to image 1:1" is not the mate of "Fit image to window". In terms of its effect on the window sizing, it is quite the opposite.
      Perhaps there is someone out there who does want Shift+W to stay the way it is. If so then please post here to explain how you use it.


        Now that's refreshing!

        Originally posted by Mij View Post
        True perhaps, Skippybox, unless you have made an edit in which case you will lose the changes.
        Actually, I'm not so sure. From my little testing, I don't seem to lose edits from refreshing, which is great. It must just be refreshing the directory. I think to lose edits you'd have to use Reopen (Shift+R). Do you know of any edits, besides a temporary selection box, that would be erased from a refresh?

        You could apply your argument to shortcut keys F and Shift+F too. The purpose of the toggle action of all these keys is surely to switch between the "Fit" display views and their equivalent "1:1" views. "Fit window to image 1:1" is not the mate of "Fit image to window". In terms of its effect on the window sizing, it is quite the opposite.
        Perhaps there is someone out there who does want Shift+W to stay the way it is. If so then please post here to explain how you use it.
        I think this toggling idea is messed up. You shouldn't ever change to Fit window to image (1:1, recommended) just to obtain 1:1. Its not just 1:1, its a display option too. So, it will change your display, which is unacceptable. That is why Ctrl+H, I believe is still around, and F5 or U works rather nicely.


          I agree that Shift W should toggle to "Do not fit anything." The user-defined window should not be lost. I have added this as Issue 64 and moved this thread to the Feature Request forum, as I doubt very much if this is a bug (programmer error), it is just poor design. It is doing what Irfan intended.
          Last edited by Bhikkhu Pesala; 29.08.2008, 06:17 PM.
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            Well Mij, we did it!


              Originally posted by Bhikkhu Pesala View Post
              .......I doubt very much if this is a bug (programmer error), it is just poor design. It is doing what Irfan intended.
              Yes, you are probably right Bhikku. I suspect Irfan just made it toggle back to his "recommended" display view. Which leads to the question, why does he recommend that particular view? Is there something special about it?


                Fit Window to Image (1:1, recommended)

                None of the choices are really more special than the rest. They each have their own purpose when the time comes. I guess it is special in the sense that it displays the image 1:1, and dynamically shows as much of it as possible, or it shrinks the window to make the most efficient use of space. But unless you get rid of the toolbar and menu bar, it unfortunately leaves extra space on the sides of small images.

                Did you verify whether refreshing dumps your edits, Mij?


                  Originally posted by Mij View Post
                  Which leads to the question, why does he recommend that particular view? Is there something special about it?
                  It displays the image as it really is, without resampling or distortion.
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                    Good answer Bhikkhu. I suppose that it is really 1:1 ratio that is recommended, which would apply to the "Do not fit Anything" view too. I do recognize that this is a relatively recent addition though. Too soon for official endorsement perhaps?

                    Originally posted by Skippybox View Post
                    Did you verify whether refreshing dumps your edits, Mij?
                    Yes I did, Skippybox, and you were right. F5 does just restore the display view without losing any edits you might have made. We keep on learning new things about Irfanview, regardless of how long we have been using it.

                    I think this toggling idea is messed up. You shouldn't ever change to Fit window to image (1:1, recommended) just to obtain 1:1. Its not just 1:1, its a display option too. So, it will change your display, which is unacceptable.
                    I agree with you there too. My choice for the use of these keys would be
                    CTRL+H ; toggle between 1:1 and Fitted (current image only)
                    CTRL+F ; toggle between fit to width and fit to height (current image only)
                    CTRL+W ; toggle between fixed window and window fitted to image
                    F ; toggle between fit only big images and fit all
                    ...... but I am afraid it may be too late in the day to be making such suggestions.
                    Last edited by Mij; 30.08.2008, 02:02 PM.


                      Display Options Hotkeys

                      Originally posted by Mij View Post
                      We keep on learning new things about Irfanview, regardless of how long we have been using it.
                      My goal is to change people's perceptions about things. Long-time users think they 'know' the program, but should realize they have developed many stereotypes and assumptions over the years. It's also interesting how a beginner might teach something to an advanced user!

                      My choice for the use of these keys would be ...
                      CTRL+F ; toggle between fit to width and fit to height (current image only)
                      CTRL+W ; toggle between fixed window and window fitted to image
                      F ; toggle between fit only big images and fit all
                      ...... but I am afraid it may be too late in the day to be making such suggestions.
                      Perhaps it was too late when you were doing this. I think you meant SHIFT and not CTRL, right?

                      I like your suggestions, but some of IV's shortcuts don't correspond correctly as is. For instance, why is F (Fit images to desktop) and Shift+F (Fit only big images to desktop), but Shift+W is Fit images to window? Why is F even used for desktop and W for slideshow? I think this is very complicated considering the number of choices and current key assignments. My initial suggestions would be:

                      CTRL+H - Toggle between Original size (1:1) and Fitted (current image only)

                      - Toggle between Fit images to desktop width and Fit images to desktop height

                      - Toggle between Fit images to desktop and Fit only big images to desktop

                      - Toggle between Fit images to window and Fit only big images to window

                      - Fit window to image (1:1)

                      - Do not fit anything

                      Obviously these keys don't correspond perfectly and when you switch between display settings, should your last used toggle setting be remembered or should it always revert to the initial display setting?

                      And what about a new set of display options like Fit images to window width or Fit images to window height? Fit images to desktop width or Fit images to desktop height unfortunately maximizes a window.



                        Yes, Skippybox, I did get confused between my Ctrl+? and my Shift+? shortcuts. Which probably means that if I do get the function of Shift+W that I requested, I will be launching a lot of accidental slideshows.


                          Originally posted by Mij View Post
                          Yes, Skippybox, I did get confused between my Ctrl+? and my Shift+? shortcuts. Which probably means that if I do get the function of Shift+W that I requested, I will be launching a lot of accidental slideshows.

                          Since IV has accumulated so many features, I think all the shortcuts need remapping. However, it would be quite difficult transitioning. Perhaps one day we will get customization of the keyboard in IV. But toggling is something that needs to programmed. So I don't know how it should get changed. Did you like my shortcuts? Do they need improving? How about a Fit images to window width or Fit images to window height?


                            Originally posted by Skippybox View Post
                            Did you like my shortcuts? Do they need improving? How about a Fit images to window width or Fit images to window height?
                            I was hesitant to reply because we are really in the wrong forum area to be discussing this matter, but since you ask....

                            I do not think we should just go on extending this confusing list of Display views and shortcut keys. Let’s be radical and scrap the existing list. I think we would be better served by a choice of 4 options.

                            Option 1. Already built into Windows is the choice of Maximized or Resizable (Restore) window. When Maximized the working area is the desktop. When Restored the working area is the resizable window. I do not see the need to have Fit to Desktop and Fit to Window modes within a list as well.

                            Option 2. Four choices (Radio buttons): 1:1 view, Fit to working area, Fit to Width, Fit to Height

                            Option 3. (Checkbox) On: Fit only Big images, Off: Fit All images

                            Option 4. (Checkbox) On: Fit Window to Image, Off: Do not fit Window.
                            Comment: People seem to like this rather quirky feature in IV where the Window closes up around the image after it has been sized so that no empty space is displayed. At present when Maximized it is automatically On for Fit Image to Desktop Height or Width, but Off for Fit Image to Window. Why, I have no idea? In Restored the fitted window, as displayed, should always remain within the defined resizable window area and not wander across the screen as now.

                            The options are independent, giving you 32 different display choices.
                            Shortcuts : Option1, use standard Windows shortcuts. Option 2, I think, needs two shortcuts, one to toggle current image between 1:1 and Normal Fit, the other to toggle between current fit and alternative fit (to Height or to Width). Options 3 and 4 each need one shortcut toggle. Shortcuts for options 1, 3 and 4 are persistent (i.e. change the display view). Shortcuts for option 2 are temporary (just change the zoom ratio of the current image).

                            Is that too radical?


                              Too radical? Not for something like this. This is wonderful! Not sure what you mean by the wrong forum; isn't this a feature request? Would our remarks be better in Support?

                              From your description (radio buttons and checkboxes), it sounds like you want to move this to Properties dialog. I think it should remain a menu item. It would be simple to divide the options into sections, similar to the current display options structure.

                              What are the standard Window keyboard shortcuts for maximize and restore? All the options should be persistent, as even the zoom ratios are display views. One could simply toggle back and forth for the temporary effect.
                              Last edited by Skippybox; 08.09.2008, 11:27 PM.

