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Paint dot net (pdn) format support

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    Requested Paint dot net (pdn) format support

    I would really love support for pdn. Even just read asupport would be great.

    But what I really long for being able to reasd from psd, and write to pdn _preserveing_the_layers_.

    For those who don't know it: Paint dot net is a very nice mid-level paint package that is completely free to use, and supports layers.

    It is the only free native windows app I know of that there woulld be any point using for continuing work on a layered psd file.

    Unlikely to happen as IrfanView is an image viewer.

    See the sticky thread; A Word for the Over-eager
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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      That is unfair

      It is a an image viewer _and_ converter.

      Stuff outside that may legitimately be labeled feature creep, but extending the range of formats it can read and write is right in the middle of its core reason for being.

      Preserving layers I understand is probably unrealistic, since I doubt its internal model has layers at all, and I added it on just as a dream. But I really vcan't see what is frivolous about reading and possibly writing pdn files in itself.

