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Flag to see at first glance if image contains IPTC data

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    Requested Flag to see at first glance if image contains IPTC data

    In thumbnails view, I would appreciate a way to see at first glance which images contain IPTC data and which images do not.

    Is there a way to get this information in IrfanView?

    If not, some small flag could be a solution.
    For an example, see in this old documentation (Pixvue does not exist anymore) :
    - page 3 (central image, with big thumbnails)
    - page 4 (upper image, even the small icons had flags in Pixvue)
    - pages 11 and 12 (for the different flags that were used in Pixvue)


    Well, it is already there, sort of. In thumbnail options you can select numerous different codes to decide what information to show in the Thumbnail tooltip.
    Important/interesting IPTC tags/placeholders, according to IPTC specification:

    Placeholder Tag name/function

    $I5 - Object Name

    $I7 - Edit Status

    $I10 - Priority

    $I15 - Category

    $I20 - Supplemental Category

    $I25 - Keywords

    $I30 - Release Date

    $I35 - Release Time

    $I40 - Special Instructions

    $I45 - Reference Service

    $I47 - Reference Date

    $I50 - Reference Number

    $I55 - Created Date

    $I60 - Created Time

    $I65 - Originating Program

    $I70 - Program Version

    $I75 - Object Cycle

    $I80 - Byline (Author)

    $I85 - Byline Title

    $I90 - City

    $I92 - Sublocation

    $I95 - Province State

    $I100 - Country Code

    $I101 - Country

    $I103 - Original Transmission Reference

    $I105 - Headline

    $I110 - Credit

    $I115 - Source

    $I116 - Copyright

    $I120 - Caption

    $I121 - Local Caption

    $I122 - Caption Writer
    Last edited by Bhikkhu Pesala; 26.02.2009, 07:13 PM.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.67 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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      @ Bhikkhu Pesala

      Yes, I know this feature, but it does not answer my question.

      By the way, do you know a way to get the "popping" information stay longer on the screen? It would be nice if it was staying on screen as long as the mouse pointer stays on the thumbnail... Very often I do not have the time to read the information before it goes away.

      Last edited by gt13013; 10.05.2009, 09:51 PM.


        Not really. You can search for files with certain IPTC data using CTRL+F. You can also enter IPTC codes in the thumbnail options to see the data while doing a mouse-over. You can also just press CTRL+I for the IPTC. But, no super quick ways.

        XnView will show icons for different data on thumbnails and is probably great for what you are after. PixVue should still be available on the web, too.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Image018.png
Views:	1
Size:	142.9 KB
ID:	79627
        Last edited by Skippybox; 26.02.2009, 07:57 PM.


          @ Skippybox,

          Yes, Pixvue is available on my website for instance ;-)
          But I get problems when trying to use it with Vista.

          Thanks for the Xnview information. But since I use Irfanview for years and have some experience with it, I would prefer an Irfanview's solution.

          Perhaps it could be some feature to add to the future versions...


            Did you see the screenshot of XnView? What do you think?


              Yes, it seems exactly what I would like to get in Irfanview.


                After some attempts to use XnView, I definitively prefer to use Irfanview.
                That is the reason why I reiterate my "Feature request":

                1) For the thumbnails view, please add a flag showing at first glance which images contain IPTC data. This flag could be placed at the bottom of the image, near the file name.

                2) In the thumbnails view, make the information poping on screen stay as long as the mouse stays on the thumbnail.



                  This thread helped me a lot.
                  Irfanview has so many nice and universal features, that such a flag would be an other great feature!
                  I have hundreds of scanned transpries and old photos which have many information about their contents.
                  I want to preserve this information by using TPTC into my jpg's.
                  Irfranview is a great help for doing that. I tried many other programs, but all have some shortcome using IPTC.

                  So I will strongly support gt13013 proposal and desire to have such a little flag for all pictures which have any TPTC date added.



                    I just would like to recall this feature that I suggested 1 year ago:
                    I would find very helpful if some flag could appear in thumbnails view, just below the thumbnails, telling immediately if the image already has IPTC metadata, or not.


                      In XnView you get more IPTC (and more than Just IPTC)

                      Somewhere on this forum there's a thread where I made the request that one last IPTC metadata tag be added to the read/write of IrfanView. That tag is officially designated "Fixture Identifier" in the IIM v.4 list, but I've seen it called such things as Event and JobId in different GUI apps. It's always struck me as odd that IrfanView doesn't read this one in at all.

                      Well, guess what? XnView does. Along with just about every known, or at any rate commonly-used in the relevant professions and trades, EXIF tag and even raw XML.

                      I'd give XnView another look, were I gt13013. It doesn't take one long to get accustomed to another application solution, especially one so similar in features to IrfanView.

                      Last edited by Silversleeves; 06.09.2010, 03:03 PM.
                      There's still room for two things in IrfanView: 1). Space at the bottom of each image in a full-screen slideshow to display such metadata as keywords, supplemental categories, origin etc.; 2). Space to add just those few (dozen) annoying metadata tags IrfanView can't read in, edit or save back to a file. I advocate both. BZT


                        Do we have this (Fixture Identifier) in 4.37 or Plugins for 4.37, or is Pierre Gougelet still outdoing us on this score? The reason I ask is: when an image that has this IPTC tag is saved from IrfanView, it often gets removed. I can't prove this with version 4.37, but I know from experience it was so with previous updates.

                        You might ask, "Then why not just save an image file that has it and open it in another application like XnView that you know supports it?" I'm asking here so I don't need to take those steps. And besides, my JPEGs also happen to have XMP written to them, and I know IrfanView takes those out.


                        Last edited by Silversleeves; 26.03.2014, 11:55 AM.
                        There's still room for two things in IrfanView: 1). Space at the bottom of each image in a full-screen slideshow to display such metadata as keywords, supplemental categories, origin etc.; 2). Space to add just those few (dozen) annoying metadata tags IrfanView can't read in, edit or save back to a file. I advocate both. BZT


                          With some operations, like 'save as' (jpg), there is an option to keep or remove XMP metadata. I miss - at least 'read only' - XMP capability in IV, but when I made a feature request a few months ago, I received very limited support (one vote).

                          IPTC is old and quite limited for many reasons; and not maintained any more. IV at least supports UTF-8 in IPTC (my language uses three non-ascii - 'foreign' - characters, most of languages use many more); perhaps it should also add UTF8 to the -IPTC:CodedCharacterSet tag. In fact, if I remember correctly, it removes it when writing IPTC data, if it is already there.
                          Last edited by Jacal; 26.03.2014, 01:30 PM.
                          IrfanView 4.62 64-bit


                            Hello, I had forgoten this thread. But since my last post, I have switched to XnView for IPTC and XMP editing, and I find it very convenient.


                              I have devoted one of the precious three slots for external editors to exiftoolgui, but I would still like IV to show some XMP data. Here and there I allow the daminion dam program to edit metadata, it is ok but in rapid development, so buggy sometimes.

                              You also made me check xnview after some time. The mp version might be promising, but is still very beta, and the 'classic' version worked good until I upgraded it to the latest version. It took a lot of crashing on some folders until I found out it has problems with 16-bit xcf files, made by development version 2.9.1 of gimp. Not a real bug, but it probably shows that switching to other programs can be painful, especially since I have been using irfanview for the last sixteen years.

                              Have a nice day!
                              IrfanView 4.62 64-bit

