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Increase Number of EXIF fields in Full Screen View

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    Requested Increase Number of EXIF fields in Full Screen View


    I am using the customizing feature of IrfanView in order to choose the Exif fields that I want to see on the Full Screen View.
    Today, I tried to add some fields, but it seems that there is a limitation somewhere.
    For instance, in

    Options > Properties/Settings > Full screen / Slideshow > Full screen only

    if you put :

    $D$F $X
    $E271 - $E272
    DateTimeOriginal: $E36867
    DateTime: $E306
    ExposureProgram: $E34850
    ExposureMode: $E41986
    ISOSpeedRatings: $E34855
    ISO Value (Canon): $E16
    GainControl: $E41991
    ShutterSpeedValue: $E37377
    ExposureBiasValue: $E37380
    MeteringMode: $E37383
    LightSource: $E37384
    FocalLength: $E37386
    CustomRendered: $E41985
    SceneCaptureType: $E41990

    then it works fine.
    But if you add some fields, for instance :

    $D$F $X
    $E271 - $E272
    DateTimeOriginal: $E36867
    DateTime: $E306
    ExposureProgram: $E34850
    ExposureMode: $E41986
    ISOSpeedRatings: $E34855
    ISO Value (Canon): $E16
    GainControl: $E41991
    ShutterSpeedValue: $E37377
    ExposureBiasValue: $E37380
    MeteringMode: $E37383
    LightSource: $E37384
    FocalLength: $E37386
    CustomRendered: $E41985
    SceneCaptureType: $E41990
    Nikon specific
    ISO Setting: $E2
    White Balance: $E5
    Focus Mode: $E7
    Lens Type: $E131
    Lens: $E132

    the last fields are not taken into account.
    It seems that Irfanview has some limitation here.
    I have not seen anything about this problem in the help nor in the forum.

    I use the 4.25 version.


    Probably no one else ever tried to use so many fields. There is bound to be a limit for most things. How many bytes should the programmer assign for storing this info? Enough for 256 characters, 1024, 16.7 million? I guess the programmer thought that 99.99% of people would be happy with whatever limit he chose.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.67 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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      That is what I suspected.

      Consequently, I turn my observation into a suggestion:
      could the programmer increase the number of fields in his next compilation of the code ?



        Take a page from GraphicConverter X

        I suggest making some use of the area below the image. GraphicConverter X on the Mac side has done so since before there was an OS X.

        One link to acquaint you with the method/approach/way-it's-done in Hr. Lemke's program:

        In the first graphic, between the pull-down menu marked "Original Size" and the checkbox marked "Ignore alpha channel," you'll notice a button marked "Select Information." This brings up another prefs window with a sizeable list of fields one can choose from. I'm sure since the versions I used (all ending in 2008 when my G4 lost its power supply), that some EXIF has been added, but I normally paid attention only to the IPTC fields one could add along the bottom of the fullscreen display. Typically the slideshow function afforded one (at most) four lines of approximately 80-150 characters maximum.

        Most all of the above was culled from faulty memory; all errors are mine. At the moment I don't even have a screenshot to attach to this message, though I'm almost certain I made a few of the slideshow side of GC-X in action when I was still using it.

        I think this approach may be worth investigating.


        (Update: before I wiped them to use for storage and an external Linux boot install, I did an extensive search of the pictures I'd saved on my two Mac hard disks. To my disappointment, there were no such screenshots. And a multi-page panning of Google Image Search a few weeks back turned up nothing either. Guess you're going to have to find a Mac and run the app to see what I'm talking about.)
        Last edited by Silversleeves; 23.02.2010, 08:51 PM. Reason: Updating a detail
        There's still room for two things in IrfanView: 1). Space at the bottom of each image in a full-screen slideshow to display such metadata as keywords, supplemental categories, origin etc.; 2). Space to add just those few (dozen) annoying metadata tags IrfanView can't read in, edit or save back to a file. I advocate both. BZT

