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Ghostscript plug-in

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    Ghostscript plug-in


    I have the latest AFPL version of Ghostscript, as well as all Iview plugins of course. I keep getting this error when attempting to open a pdf:

    Decode error! Can't load Ghostscript (AFPL version) or Ghostscript error.

    I'm running Vista Ultimate (32 bit) Any ideas?

    Please don't post the same topic in different forums.
    Rest In Peace, Sam!


      Hi damselhunter,

      Did you also install IrfanView's plug-ins (notice that the plug-ins must be the same version as IrfanView)?

      Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


        And be careful: the latest version of GhostScript isn't AFPL, but GPL, and IrfanView needs AFPL. The latest AFPL is 8.54.

        Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


          Hi Laurent.

          It was the latter rather than the former. It's easy to download the correct files from Iview. I wish the same can be said for GhostScript.

          You are correct. I had the latest G/S which was not the AFPL version. I've managed to load a pdf & extract jpg files from it just fine now.

          One suggestion for Irfan: Whenever files are extracted from a pdf, it is necessary to have an option to anti-alias the edges. Otherwise the images/text appear too jagged.

          Thank you, Laurent for your help.



            I may be having a related problem. I have the latest download of IrfanView,and I want to be able to view EPS and PS files. I've tried to download the right plug-ins (although working out which is the correct one is a non-trivial exercise) - I have AFPL Ghostscript gs854w32.exe.

            When I open IrfanView and try to open an eps file, I get the following error message:
            Can't load PlugIn: "Postscript.dll"
            Please download/install PlugIns from IrfanView homepage

            So having downloaded from the plugins, what do I need to do to be able to view EPS files?


              Viewing EPS/PS/PDF

              Hi tonyw

              As explained, you need two things:
              - AFPL GhostScript,
              - IrfanView's plug-ins.
              Did you install both?

              Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                Ha! That explains it - I had the AFPL download, but not the IrfanView plug-in download. I've just done that, and it all seems to work. Many thanks.


                  Viewing EPS filds

                  I am having this same problem.
                  I have downloaded/installed the IrfanView Plug-ins.
                  I have downloaded/installed (using their install process) the AFPL version of Ghostscript.

                  I still get the same error message telling me to get AFPL Ghostscript plugin.

                  I am open to any other suggestions.
                  Except for this problem this product is exactly what I've been looking for and I would really love to get it to work.


                    Testing for AFPL GhostScript and EPS/PS/PDF plug-in

                    Hi jenik,

                    Let's do some tests...

                    1. Check the version number of these files:
                    c:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe: is it
                    c:\Program Files\IrfanView\Plugins\Postscript.dll: is it
                    If one version number is different, the main program and the plug-ins don't match. Uninstall and make a clean reinstall from freshly downloaded setup files (program and plug-ins).

                    2. Go to the directory where you installed GhostScript. It has a name like "gs#.##". What is it exactly? If it is > 8.54 you certainly don't have AFPL GhostScript. Search in this forum for "AFPL GPL" and you'll have an explanation.

                    3. Using Notepad for example, create a new text file with this line (without quotes)
                    "newpath 200 600 50 0 360 arc stroke showpage"
                    and save it as in the subdirectory \bin of the one where you installed GhostScript (you must find gswin32c.exe there). Open a console and go to that subdirectory (cd) and type (without quotes)
                    "gswin32c" + hit Enter
                    Do you see a new window with part of a circle drawn?
                    If not, maybe there is a problem with the installation of GhostScript.

                    Hope this can help you.

                    Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                      Here's a little trick to make irfanview and all other image viewers use any GhostScript version!
                      First of all you need to have GPL GhostScript installed.
                      Open notepad and paste this text:
                      Windows Registry Editor Version 4.00

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript]

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57]
                      "GS_DLL"="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"
                      "GS_LIB"="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\lib;c:\\program files\\gs\\fonts;c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\Resource"

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin]

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin\gsdll32]
                      @="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin\gswin32]
                      @="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gswin32c.exe"

                      Save this file as GPLtoAFPL.reg
                      Modify the reg keys to where you've installed ghostscript and import it in the registry.
                      This little trick fools irfanview that the gpl'ed ghostscript is the AFPL'ed one.
                      And I do bellive that this is a bug that shuld be fixed, Irfanview shuld check not only for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\ but allso for:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\


                        Hi Q_A,

                        Thanks for your trick. I didn't use it, because I make updates of Ghostcript when available and I am likely to forget to modify the appropriate entries in the registry.

                        For people who will use it, it may be useful to point out that the pathes you gave are valid only for version 8.57 and if the default installation path has been accepted. Otherwise they must be modified accordingly.

                        I had a look in my registry and there is only (exported .ini file):
                        Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
                        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript]
                        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.54]
                        "GS_DLL"="c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.54\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"
                        "GS_LIB"="c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.54\\lib;c:\\program files\\gstools\\fonts;c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.54\\Resource"
                        Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
                        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript]
                        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\8.60]
                        "GS_DLL"="c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.60\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"
                        "GS_LIB"="c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.60\\lib;c:\\program files\\gstools\\fonts;c:\\program files\\gstools\\gs8.60\\Resource"
                        The other entries you mentionned, including those beginning with @, are not present. Does this matter? Is this related to the Windows version (I use WinXP Pro)?

                        I agree with you that IrfanView should also look for GPL and not only for AFPL.

                        Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                          Actually only the path to gsdll32.dll is needed. I got the keys from an older version of AFPL ghostscript and tweaked it to point to the newest gpl version I have. The @ values are needed by some other third party tools that use AFPL gs.
                          And I too often update ghostscript that's why I keep a reg file that I modify to the current version of ghost script that I have. all you need to do is change the version number and the path.
                          And to remove the old tweak add a minus sign to all of the lines of your reg file


                            I forgot, I've used this tweak on a win98se and an XP machine with ut a problem, as the values are stored in HKLM part of the registry it may be a problem for users with out admin priveliges on NT machines?


                              Originally posted by damselhunter View Post

                              I have the latest AFPL version of Ghostscript, as well as all Iview plugins of course. I keep getting this error when attempting to open a pdf:

                              Decode error! Can't load Ghostscript (AFPL version) or Ghostscript error.

                              I'm running Vista Ultimate (32 bit) Any ideas?
                              I have the same problem, but under XP Pro SP2. That is, I just took out my AFPL gs851 and installed a fresh gs854w32.exe, but still have the same problem you describe in trying to load a pdf file.

