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Ghostscript plug-in

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    Originally posted by kentjday View Post
    I have read through this entire thread and followed all advise.
    You may have read the entire thread, but you didn't follow all the advice. Use a PDF reader — it is much better suited for the task.

    What exactly is the benefit of reading PDF files with a plugin for IrfanView?
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

    Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads


      PDF not really needed.

      PDF is really not my goal. I am really trying to convert EPS files to HPGL or DXF and not convert them to bitmap formats.


        Hi kentjday,

        IrfanView uses Ghostscript to convert EPS/PS/PDF to bitmaps. I you don(t want bitmaps, you probably should use another conversion tool.
        If you post your file, I can try it.

        Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


          Hi kentjday,

          And can you explain what makes you believe you have the AFPL version rather than the GPL one?

          Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


            If I just run gswin32.exe with no parameters I get a window with this text:
            AFPL Ghostscript 8.54 (2006-05-17)
            Copyright (C) 2005 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved.
            This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.

            This is the contents of my file:
            newpath 200 600 50 0 360 arc stroke showpage

            But if I really can't convert to a vector format. I should try something else. Do you know of a free program that will work for me?


              Hi kentjday,

              Originally posted by kentjday View Post
              If I just run gswin32.exe with no parameters I get a window with this text:
              AFPL Ghostscript 8.54 (2006-05-17)
              Copyright (C) 2005 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved.
              This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
              Well, everything is correct here.

              This is the contents of my file:
              newpath 200 600 50 0 360 arc stroke showpage
              This is correct too. But I don't get any error message from IrfanView. The only way I can force such error message is making a spelling error in the EPS or PS file. Put your file in the same directory as gswin32.exe and type the following at the GS> prompt:
              ( run
              it should display the circle without any error or warning. If there is one, this is the cause of IrfanView error message.

              But if I really can't convert to a vector format. I should try something else. Do you know of a free program that will work for me?
              Unluckily, I can't help you here.

              Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                Windows profile barrier

                I never had any problem using IrfanView with PDFs until I installed 4.2.0. Now I have The Error Message! But I am not one to give up easily. I am not quite finished with the project, but I do know one thing now. I am thinking of starting a new thread in Bugreports.

                There is nothing wrong with either my IV or GS installations. However, I am not an Administrator in daily life, I am a lowly Poweruser It occurred to me to see if this could be having an effect.

                The answer was YES. If run IV as Admin, I can open PDFs all I want.

                It doesn't sseem to matter how I install either IV or GS, I can only open a PDF if I run IV as an administrator.

                What we have here is a failure to communicate with the operating system. Again. Yet. Is it a part of the adaptations to Vista that makes the problem worse now in XP? We need a solution to this! I will not go against my own security principles (and we know how Vista is). It is important that any user be able to open a file that uses a plugin.
                Its: Belongs to "It"
                It's: Shortened form of "It is"
                Lose: Fail to keep
                Loose: Not tight

                Plurals do not require apostrophes


                  Hi matera,

                  I confirm IrfanView is no more able to open EPS/PS/PDF files. And I will not work everyday as an administrator.
                  I noticed that postscript.dll is now ver. 4.20.

                  I hope the next version will have bug fixes rather than new features.

                  Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                    The fixed plugin works
                    Its: Belongs to "It"
                    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
                    Lose: Fail to keep
                    Loose: Not tight

                    Plurals do not require apostrophes


                      Originally posted by Q_A View Post
                      Here's a little trick to make irfanview and all other image viewers use any GhostScript version!
                      First of all you need to have GPL GhostScript installed.
                      Open notepad and paste this text:
                      Windows Registry Editor Version 4.00

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript]

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57]
                      "GS_DLL"="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"
                      "GS_LIB"="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\lib;c:\\program files\\gs\\fonts;c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\Resource"

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin]

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin\gsdll32]
                      @="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gsdll32.dll"

                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\8.57\bin\gswin32]
                      @="c:\\program files\\gs\\gs8.57\\bin\\gswin32c.exe"

                      Save this file as GPLtoAFPL.reg
                      Modify the reg keys to where you've installed ghostscript and import it in the registry.
                      This little trick fools irfanview that the gpl'ed ghostscript is the AFPL'ed one.
                      And I do bellive that this is a bug that shuld be fixed, Irfanview shuld check not only for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\ but allso for:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\
                      I found a more elegant solution that doesn't require re-editing the registry each time you upgrade GPL Ghostscript. I am using this with IrfanView 4.20 and GPL Ghostscript 8.62. I didn't want to run an old, possibly buggy or insecure version of AFPL Ghostscript. (A proper code fix inside of IrfanView to point to the correct current registry key would be even better. I discovered this solution by using the SysInternals Process Monitor to see where IrfanView had an error when viewing .PS/.EPS files.)

                      The general idea is to use a registry link, similar to how the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key is an alias of an HKEY_USERS subkey.

                      First, you need a copy of REGLN.EXE from . This is a command line tool to create Windows Registry links (other tools can also do this).

                      Second, use REGLN to create a symbolic link between the HKLM GPL Postscript key and a new HKLM AFPL Postscript key in order to make IrfanView be able to handle .PS and .EPS files with GPL Postscript 8.62. IrfanView has 'AFPL' hardcoded into it. Run this from a command prompt:
                      regln "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript"

                      You can also add a dummy registry warning key using Regedit as a heads up to yourself or others viewing this part of the registry in the future:
                      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\warning - HKLM AFPL Ghostscript key is symbolically linked to HKLM GPL Ghostscript key (done with regln.exe)]

                      One caveat with this solution: custom user created Registry symbolic links (like those created by REGLN) do not appear to work after Sysprep. To fix them, delete and recreate the symbolic link. Here is the delete command:
                      regln -d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript"

                      More info:
                      Gathering the right people, content and resources, ITPro Today gives professionals insight into the technologies and skills needed to take on the challenges.

                      Gathering the right people, content and resources, ITPro Today gives professionals insight into the technologies and skills needed to take on the challenges.

                      Last edited by hkazemi; 25.08.2008, 07:38 PM. Reason: added info


                        Hmmm......I need to study this
                        Its: Belongs to "It"
                        It's: Shortened form of "It is"
                        Lose: Fail to keep
                        Loose: Not tight

                        Plurals do not require apostrophes


                          If the user has installed the most current version of ghostscript (GPL Ghostscript) one has to rename the Registry Key HKLM\Software\GPL Ghostscript to AFPL Ghostscript.

                          Than - for me - it works.

                          In my opinion the search should be extended and default to GPL Ghostscript


                            In order to learn more about the differences between both versions (AFPL and GPL Ghostscript), please reads this:
                            - Aladdin Free Public License
                            - GNU General Public License

                            I think, it was the intention of the author of "IrfanView" to choose only this kind (AFPL) of license!


                              Further Development will be done for GPL only, as the AFPL licence was abandoned (see:

                              I hope for gpl ghostscript support in the next version of the plugin



                                Since the change to the program version 4.22/4.23 IrfanView supports both Ghostscript versions
                                for reading EPS, PS and PDF format!

                                That means: Now it's possible with AFPL Ghostscript and GPL Ghostscript to read these formats!

