FIRST... Love the program, no matter what it may do or don't.
Would like to suggest or recommend to users, especially those whom post problems... to specifically state or document with such, what OS they are using, along with computer type/model. Reason being: each computer has it's own quirks and limitations, especially those which are proprietary to themselves (brand & configurations). And Second.. The OS does sometimes make a difference in how some programs will work or function, especially when running along side other software which may utilize memory or functions of the same. I've found that often little quirks or differences arise when using Irfanview on XP as compared to using on Win 8.1
Stating such with the problem may assist the programmers/owner to adjust or fix problems annotated.
Best Regards!
Would like to suggest or recommend to users, especially those whom post problems... to specifically state or document with such, what OS they are using, along with computer type/model. Reason being: each computer has it's own quirks and limitations, especially those which are proprietary to themselves (brand & configurations). And Second.. The OS does sometimes make a difference in how some programs will work or function, especially when running along side other software which may utilize memory or functions of the same. I've found that often little quirks or differences arise when using Irfanview on XP as compared to using on Win 8.1
Stating such with the problem may assist the programmers/owner to adjust or fix problems annotated.
Best Regards!