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Batch Run 8bf Plugins? How?

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    Batch Run 8bf Plugins? How?

    Hope this is the right place since it's about plugins?

    I want to apply an 8bf filter to all files in a folder - for example. In fact I want to run Unsharpen on a batch of photos. I have assorted unsharpen 8bf files, but I'm missing something. How do I run a batch or script or anything that will apply one or a number of filters to a complete folder or selection of jpgs? Is it possible?

    I can do many things in Lightroom Export but not Unsharpen. LR3 by the way. I'm cheap. I use Irfanview for everything I can, renaming, resizing, basic editing, and the Paint plugin is one of my favorites for adding circles, lines and arrows to examples for people.

    I would say it's a question about using the Batch dialogue in IrfanView, so I moved it to the support forum.

    I don't see any way to use sharpen plugins from the batch dialogue. You can sharpen by various amounts via the dialogue using IrfaNview's built-in routines.

    If you want something more sophisticated it may be possible with a batch file script, but that's beyond my knowledge.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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