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Blotchy areas on images cropped and resized.

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    Blotchy areas on images cropped and resized.

    For a few years I have been using irfanview for eBay. About 6 months ago I began to have problems. I'd crop a photo, reduce the size, and the image still looked perfect in the irfanview window, but when I saved it to another folder and looked at the image in that folder, there were blotchy areas. I tried reinstalling the software but it did not correct the problem. Everything had been running smoothly for a few years and I didn't change anything in my work flow that might have caused this issue. I hope there is an easy fix as I would love to get back to using irfanview.

    Since this is unlikely to be a bug, I have moved the thread to the support forum. Please provide:
    1. The original file
    2. The blotchy result
    3. A clear, step-by-step recipe of what you did to get from 1 to 2.

    Also, edit your forum profile to select your IrfanView version. The latest version is 4.42. Upgrade if you have not done so already, because if there is a bug that has since been fixed, there's nothing to report.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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