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Problem using batch conversion/rename

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    Problem using batch conversion/rename

    Let me start off by clarify that I run the program as a restricted user (not administrator) on my office. There shouldnt be any reason for this to not work anyway. I've checked the file-permissions and that is NOT the problem, I am 100% sure. (I've used it thousands of times in version 3.0 at my old job, with no problems at all, so this is not an user-error)

    First of all:
    1. I load up a directory of images in Irfanview trough the Batch conversion tool
    2. I use C:\Temp as output (even tried various others)
    3. I've tried both Batch conversion, and batch conversion + rename result files. No different result.
    4. I select use advanced options, and set the resize to 40% of both height and width. I've also tried various other configurations.
    5. The checkbox "Overwrite existing files" seems to have no influence on the outcome.
    6. When I press Start, the log/console shows me the following errors/warnings:

    Converting image: C:\Documents and Settings\sttr\Skrivebord\Digital Hverdag\P1010619.JPG
    Warning: Destination file already exists, NO overwrite: P1010619.JPG
    Converting image: C:\Documents and Settings\sttr\Skrivebord\Digital Hverdag\P1010620.JPG
    Warning: Destination file already exists, NO overwrite: P1010620.JPG
    Converting image: C:\Documents and Settings\sttr\Skrivebord\Digital Hverdag\P1010621.JPG
    Warning: Destination file already exists, NO overwrite: P1010621.JPG

    and so on.

    Again, whatever destination i choose, it tries to put the files in that directory. And even if I tell it to overwrite existing files, it doesnt.


    Originally posted by loxus View Post
    (I've used it thousands of times in version 3.0 at my old job, with no problems at all, so this is not an user-error)
    Never say never.

    Did you check the box that says, "Use Advanced Options"?
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

    Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads


      Yes, of course. As I said, I've used irfanview 3.x plenty of times, and I see myself as an advanced user of this application.

      I think it is one of 2 things:
      IrfanView 4.10 is buggy
      IrfanView 4.10 requires administration rights to run properly for some strange reason.


        Hi loxus,

        Are you logged with the logon "sttr"?

        Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


          Yes Laurent. I am.


            Hi loxus,

            Then my idea was probably not the right one.

            But... Does it change anything if you give write permission to everybody on c:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.ini?

            Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


              That did the trick, thank you.

              I will suggest this as beeing an bug, an application should be usable in a multi-user-envoirement. The user-spesific configurationfiles should be stored in documents&settings...


                I'm still not able to reproduce this. Did you install Irfan View for all users?
                Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

                Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads


                  i can confirm the problem

                  See also my post

                  On a Windows XP Pro SP2, a restricted user is not able to do the batch conversion with 4.10. It doesn't matter, if the directory is on the local drive or on network drive, or if there is a write permission on the directory, or not.

                  The program runs itselfs different, before the Start button is pressed. Setting the conversion options for the sample has a cleared field as result, if a restricted user does it. A admin user has no problem to set the options.

                  All you enter in the sample field is ignored for the restricted user, the result is always the same, the files are placed unchanged on the desktop directory. A admin user has not this problem.

                  So, this post solves my problem. I must use a admin account to use the batch conversion.


                    NonAdmin User

                    You have several options to run this as a non admin user. I just ran into the same issue. It has to do with not having write permissions on c:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.ini

                    1. If you set that ini file so users that need it (or everyone) have full permissions on it. It will work just fine.

                    2. You could also place a copy of the irfan folder in your my documents folder and run it from there. I myself place stuff like that in my main folder. I.E. my logon is Fred so I would place it in C:\Documents and Settings\Fred\Irfanview
                    Last edited by fredw; 26.02.2008, 10:07 PM. Reason: typo


                      Confirm problem and solution

                      I run into the same problem using batch conversion/rename. Similarly, I installed IrfanView as admin but use a normal user for my daily work.

                      The solution about giving +w access to the file works well, but I would mark this issue as a bug. Ealier versions did not have such problem (that I remember), and I consider the "ini" file should be set by each user.

                      Last edited by vguevara; 25.06.2008, 09:19 AM.


                        Same problem but ini file is not solution


                        I have the same problem - batch conversion appears to have no effect at all except to write new copies of the files. This is the first time I have used batch conversion since upgrading to 4.10. My 4.10 was a clean install (which was needed to fix an earlier problem with leftover 3.xx plugins). Definitely no 3.xx files left anywhere (except for a 'New plugins' directory dated 29 Nov 06, but must have arrived in the 4.10 installation).

                        My ini file was updated with my desired batch conversion settings, and everything appeared to run ok, but the new images (in a new directory) are identical in appearance and size to the originals.

                        For information, I was trying to change brightness 70, contrast + 100 (did not actually include the '+' signs) and downgrade the JPEG quality to 70%.
                        Last edited by PeterMcC; 26.08.2008, 05:41 AM. Reason: corrected spelling mistake


                          Hi PeterMcC,

                          It works fine here. Didn't you forget to mark the corresponding checkboxes?

                          Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


                            restricted user problems - also here

                            When I use irfanview' batch rename/conversion as a restricted user, it DOES run and execute, but it DOES NOT execute what I want.
                            Instead it will always execute (successfully) the last batch options that were used in the admin mode (including the output folder), BUT will execute it on the new input images.
                            This is very dangerous since you might very easily lose important data, both your new images, and old images (in the previous output folder).

                            I agree with previous posts this should be a bug, since it may harm your data, and you won't even know it!
                            The worse thing, in my opinion is that it looks like the rename/conversion options are successfully updated (no warning, nor sign of failure), but instead a completely different command is executed.

                            I am using Windows XP, irfanview 4.10, and have installed it in "Program Files"

