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Flash Player Needs an Update

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    Flash Player Needs an Update

    When I try to play a flash video with Irfan View I receive a message of this kind:

    "Flash player needs an update.
    Installed flash player on your computer is too old.
    You need at least version 8 to display this video.

    The strange thing is that I could see this video some days ago, but now I have this problem. I have also to say that I have installed on my PC the last Adobe Flash Player 9.x version.

    Can you help me to solve this problem???

    WInXP SP2

    If you're meaning playing back a .FLV file, I experience the same problem. (running W2K)
    Rest In Peace, Sam!


      I don't get this problem with Shockwave Flash 9 on Windows XP Home.
      Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.67 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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        Yes Sam_Zen, I mean playing a .flv file locally stored in the PC.

        Yesterday finally I solved the problem.

        I installed the last version of Flash Player for IE. The misunderstanding was that I have the new version of Flash Player for Mozilla and Opera, but I really had an old version of Flash Player for IE. In fact I use Firefox and Opera and not IE. Then I have updated Flash Player for IE and now IrfanView can play regularly .FLV file.

        In the first post I wrote that "some days ago I could see flv file". BUT I have confused wmv file with flv file..... sorry for the inconvenience!

        Thanks for your answers...
        Last edited by irvat; 24.02.2008, 08:44 AM.

