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Multipage TIFF - Editing & Irfanpaint

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    Multipage TIFF - Editing & Irfanpaint

    Great software, but 2 items have me puzzled. I'm scanning a series of documents (old exams), each as a multipage TIFF, and then need to clean up any handwriting on the sheets.

    1) When I batch scan, I end with only the last scanned page showing until I close the file and reopen it, allowing me to then switch between pages . A search of the forum seems to indicate this is the only choice, but I wanted to double check.

    2) When I use Irfanpaint to edit the sheets, I lose any work as soon as I switch to the next sheet. I seem to be able to preserve the work by saving the file before switching to the next sheet, but I can then only review my work at the very end by reopening the file again. Is there a setting I'm missing that will preserve the edits while working through the sheets and allow me to save just at the end?


    Whether you scan or load a multipage tif from disk, what you see and work on in IV is just one page. You don't have to wait unil you have finished editing all the pages to review the changes. You can save and reopen at any time.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

    Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads


      Thanks BP. Let me clarify. I edit one page of a multipage TIFF by using the IrfanPaint eraser tool to remove any handwriting from the text. I then save and move on to the next page. If I move back to the first page, none of the edits show up. If I close and reopen the file, there they are. I guess that Irfanview treats each page as a file, and scrolling between pages is like opening and closing files, except that the images don't refresh unless you shut the file down completely. Ideally, I'd like to be able to make changes, move to the next page, and save when finished.

      It's not too cumbersome, but if I want to pass the task to someone else I could see them moving back and forth between pages and thinking they've lost all their changes. I was hoping there was a refresh feature that I'd missed.


        Originally posted by telemark View Post
        I was hoping there was a refresh feature that I'd missed.
        Control S, Shift R.
        Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

        Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads

