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Usage rights for a museum?

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    Usage rights for a museum?


    I work at a museum and was wondering if we fall under non-commercial use? I found the usage rights that I copied bellow, but even though we have educational department and a library I don't work in either of those and would like to know if I can use it?

    Thank you

    IrfanView is provided as freeware, but only for private, non-commercial use (that means at home).

    IrfanView is free for educational use (schools, universities and libraries) and for use in charity or humanitarian organisations.

    I doubt if your museum qualifies as educational, but email the author. We are only users here.
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      You could bypass all license restrictions as if you were at home by using a laptop. If the BSA comes, quickly put the laptop into your bag, and leave only the display, keyboard and mouse/mousepad on the desk. They can't sue you for owning a PC-less monitor.

      An ITX computer (VIA platform) would also do, but those are not as easy to acquire.

      I have paid for 5 IV licenses at work, but to tell the truth the trouble was not worth it.


        Quite funny ...
        Rest In Peace, Sam!


          It wasn't meant to sound funny. In a 'corporate' environment computers are often restricted beyond what would be required for security. All the little tools normally used put life into that gray box are taken away from you. Every damn thing gotta have a license.

          Say if I need to cut or quickly examine a file. Am I to go to the boss and ask to pay for winhex, even if it would be used just couple times a month? Or a co-worker approaches me with a simple question, how to view pictures or burn a disc. Even though I could solve his problem in five minutes by installing IrfanView and Nero 6, my hands are tied.

          If you live in a society where it is norm to have licenses also at home, pay no attention to this post.

          I never had the opportunity to realize the suggested scheme in practice, but see no reason why it couldn't work. One cheap computer equiped with windows and some free software, and another personal laptop loaded with all the goodies connected via a KVM.


            I apologize, j7n.
            Horrid circumstances like that are indeed not funny at all. I didn't know about the seriousness of this in a work-environment.
            Rest In Peace, Sam!


              Wouldn't it be nice if IV [btw - in my last field of practise, IV means intravenous. I think that abbreviations and acronyms, however "convenient", ought to be banned] was written in open source code (Linux/Unix)?
              Then we wouldn't have all the hassles of licenses &c.


                Originally posted by Ouman View Post
                I think that abbreviations and acronyms, however "convenient", ought to be banned] was written in open source code (Linux/Unix)?
                Then we wouldn't have all the hassles of licenses &c.
                BTW: Wasn't that supposed to be etc., or was it etcetera? But yes, I agree, up to a point. AFAICT IV is not a widely know acronymn, even among users of this forum — YMMV
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