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Batch convert to Sepia?

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    Batch convert to Sepia?

    Is there a way to batch convert a large number of scans to sepia?

    Thanks in advance!

    (I did a search of the forum for sepia, as well as IV's help file- no hits)
    Last edited by Lex-Mike; 12.11.2008, 06:33 PM. Reason: spelling

    You can apply colour adjustments as a batch process, so it is just a question of working out what adjustments will give the Sepia effect that you want.

    Shift G to adjust colours, and make a note of the RGB adjustments needed.

    Open the Advanced Batch dialogue and enter the values there.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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      How do I know what values to adjust? The settings for RGB are always zero when I check.

      The sepia values should be fairly standard, no?


        Originally posted by Lex-Mike View Post
        The sepia values should be fairly standard, no?
        Not really, since sepia is an effect, not a color. It is a range of yellow and brown tones. Different software will produce different results and choice. It is up to you to decide what shade you want.

        I have done a semi-calculated approximation for you, but you should adjust it to your needs. This is by no means accurate.

        Saturation: -255
        Color balance-R: +42
        Color balance-G: +10
        Color balance-B: -40


          FastStone Image Viewer or FastStone Photo Resizer can batch images to sepia.



            Thank you very much!! I'll try it today.

            Best Regards


              What will you try? I wrote about two different things to try. Be specific!


                I am trying Faststone, without much success.

                Irfanview and Faststone both view the images just fine, but Faststone gives the error "unknown format" when I try to convert 24 (very large 100mb) jpgs to sepia.

                I'll keep trying. Meanwhile, I used Irfanview to manually convert the images one at a time.

                I'll try the settings next.

                Thanks for everything!


                  Could try XnView.

