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Text Sizing Problem In Selection Box

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    Text Sizing Problem In Selection Box


    When I attempt to add text, in this case the number 1 which represents the season number of this show, the picture example I provide shows the largest I can get the number 1 to appear on this picture which is 1024x768. The box around the number was draw in with paint because I couldn't save a picture with the actual text box, sorry for the bad box, but this is the correct size of the text box I used for this specific picture. I used Verdana, Bold Italic, size 72 in white, and this was the size I got. If you look at the pic I provide I should of been able to use a much lower size letter in this size box that would of given me a much bigger number 1. I did this before for a friend and the font size of the letter would adjust according to the size of the text box, not the entire picture. What settings do I need to change? Basically I want the font size to go by the properties of the text box not the actual picture as a whole. I'm totally frustrated with this, any help would be appreciated.

    FORGET ABOUT IT! I have found a free and far superior program for editing my pictures, it's called Picasa 3. I spent 4-5 hours troubleshooting irfanview today with no solutions to my problem, I took 5 minutes to search for a substitute editor, and in less than 5 I figured out how to master it. I will never use irfanview again for pic editing.
    Last edited by Bhikkhu Pesala; 14.06.2009, 03:53 AM. Reason: To change large screenshot to a link

    Welcome lickingsalt !

    In fact I think you're asking for an auto-adjustment of the font-size of the text, according to the available room of the selection box.

    I think this is a very nice idea, but I'm afraid the electronic solution is very difficult, maybe impossible.
    So my solution : try and redo until.
    Rest In Peace, Sam!


      Thank you for the fast reply, but I do not understand your solution. I'm assuming you mean keep troubleshooting. As for impossible, this is not the case being I used irfanview just a few months ago on a near identical pc and did the exact thing that I cannot do now, and that person just downloaded irfanview and made no changes as I haven't either. So why one irfanview works differently than an identical version on another pc I guess will remain a mystery.

      Thanks for the welcome.


        Instead of selecting the font size from the drop list, enter the value that you need, e.g. 128 point.

        The text box defines the limits for the area where you want the text. The program should not assume that people will only ever want a single line of text or a single character.

        IrfanPaint (shortcut F12 if you install the plugins) offers you a lot more choices for formatting text.
        Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

        Irfan PaintIrfan View HelpIrfanPaint HelpRiot.dllMore SkinsFastStone CaptureUploads


          Also, with the Paint plugin you can preview the text on the image, and change the size until it looks right.

          Whatever you remember doing before...I would question the accuracy of the memory. I've been using IrfanView for quite a few years on quite a few different coumputers with different versions of Windows. It never autosized text to a selection when using the "Insert text into selection" feature. It will make copied and pasted text -- as in copied from a text editor -- fit a selection, but that is always ugly, blurred, and opaque.

          Picasa -- pfffft!
          Its: Belongs to "It"
          It's: Shortened form of "It is"
          Lose: Fail to keep
          Loose: Not tight

          Plurals do not require apostrophes

