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changing hotkeys

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    changing hotkeys

    Anybody know how to change the hotkeys?

    No. There is no way to do this. Already requested several times in the Feature Requests forum. Try using Autohotkey or a similar utility.
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      Hi danguser,

      In principle this is not possible!
      (See the statement from Bhikkhu Pesala!)

      But it's possible to change the hotkey for the "Capture/Screenshot..." function!
      (See program menu of IrfanView: \Options\Capture/Screenshot...\)
      Attached Files


        Originally posted by danguser View Post
        Anybody know how to change the hotkeys?
        Welcome, danguser! I honestly feel that the IrfanView Hot Keys are extremely memory-friendly!! Just try memorizing the keys you use most!
        Download IrfanView Help Manual from:
        IrfanView Website - Here
        Sam_Zen's Website - Here
        Author's Website - Here


          What keys do you think need changing? Is there something in particular you need to do?


            it would be better to use my mouse thumb buttons for moving to the next image and scroll for zooming or vice versa. It is simply more convenient. Maybe there is some file in it I could "hack" to change things around.


              There aren't too many (any?) viewers that let you configure a thumb button. It's difficult enough to get regular buttons and keys customized. You can use CTRL+mouse wheel to zoom in IrfanView.

              Imagine Image Viewer has a high level of customization for the keyboard and mouse. It only handles the usual 5 mouse controls (no thumb button) plus modifiers, but also lets you change pre-configured mouse modes for on-the-fly control re-mapping. You can assign practically any function of the program to the keys or mouse.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Image052.png
Views:	1
Size:	10.7 KB
ID:	79920

