First of all I have to say I am not computer expert by any means, but I will have a go if I have dead-simple, blow-by-blow instructions!
I have downloaded a rare technical manual of some 100 pages contained in four djvu files of 25 pages each approx. Djvu files are probably great but you can't do much with them without a reader. So I looked around for either a reader or something to convert them to pdf files which may be less clever than djvu but at least everybody in the world can open your file! On my search I found irfanview which not only provided a reader but said it could convert the files to pdf - just what I want! So I downloaded Irfanveiw. It didn't work straightaway, I had to download some plug ins too which stretched my ability a little but I did it. This now works fine for veiwing and will probably be fine for printing but I still would prefer pdf files so I really would like to convert the djvu files to pdf. Now my problem is the conversion starts OK but the little green blocks get stuck near the end and it all falls over. I thought, OK, so that doesn't work so I tried to save the djvu files at jpgs and then bmps and convert those to pdfs at work but in both cases the conversion only did the single page on veiw not the whole set of 25 pages. It would do it but it seems I have to convert each page individually - pain! Irfanveiw did create a pdf file but it won't open saying it needs Ghostscript. So I downloaded that and it seemed to install but nothing has changed. If i find the ghostscript exe file buried deep inside C/Program files/gs/bin, clicking on that only opens a dos-looking dialogue box and nothing happens. The Ghostscript help file is certainly not written for someone of my limited computer knowledge, it is barely readable. I am at my wit's end!! All I want to do is convert four files to pdf!! Can anyone help in simple language please?
PS I am running Windows XP on a laptop, and it is 32bit (whatever that means).
Oh, by the way I read the post "how to install Ghostscript" but it doesn't make much sense to me. Nothing on my computer seems to match what has been written.
First of all I have to say I am not computer expert by any means, but I will have a go if I have dead-simple, blow-by-blow instructions!
I have downloaded a rare technical manual of some 100 pages contained in four djvu files of 25 pages each approx. Djvu files are probably great but you can't do much with them without a reader. So I looked around for either a reader or something to convert them to pdf files which may be less clever than djvu but at least everybody in the world can open your file! On my search I found irfanview which not only provided a reader but said it could convert the files to pdf - just what I want! So I downloaded Irfanveiw. It didn't work straightaway, I had to download some plug ins too which stretched my ability a little but I did it. This now works fine for veiwing and will probably be fine for printing but I still would prefer pdf files so I really would like to convert the djvu files to pdf. Now my problem is the conversion starts OK but the little green blocks get stuck near the end and it all falls over. I thought, OK, so that doesn't work so I tried to save the djvu files at jpgs and then bmps and convert those to pdfs at work but in both cases the conversion only did the single page on veiw not the whole set of 25 pages. It would do it but it seems I have to convert each page individually - pain! Irfanveiw did create a pdf file but it won't open saying it needs Ghostscript. So I downloaded that and it seemed to install but nothing has changed. If i find the ghostscript exe file buried deep inside C/Program files/gs/bin, clicking on that only opens a dos-looking dialogue box and nothing happens. The Ghostscript help file is certainly not written for someone of my limited computer knowledge, it is barely readable. I am at my wit's end!! All I want to do is convert four files to pdf!! Can anyone help in simple language please?
PS I am running Windows XP on a laptop, and it is 32bit (whatever that means).
Oh, by the way I read the post "how to install Ghostscript" but it doesn't make much sense to me. Nothing on my computer seems to match what has been written.