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How to retain EXIF data on converting to JPG

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    How to retain EXIF data on converting to JPG

    Dear forum,

    I can view HEIC files in my IrfanView and I can convert to JPG. But: is there also a way to convert to JPG but still keep the exif information? We all know, the world is divided in Apple friends and - let's say - "not-so-much" friends... I rather belong to the Windows/Android party... So when I get photos from Iphone users, I always convert to JPG because it fits into my world. But having/keeping the exif meta info would be a fine thing, actually...

    Is there a solution?

    Thank you very much!
    Samsung Series 5 550P5C-S04
    Windows 7

    No. IrfanView can only preserve EXIF data when saving JPG images as JPG images.

    You will have to look for other image converters to preserve the EXIF data.
    Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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