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Document scanning with IrfanView 64 bit using TWAIN Brother driver

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    Solved Document scanning with IrfanView 64 bit using TWAIN Brother driver

    I am running the latest version of IrfanView 64 bit v4.62 under Windows 11 with a Brother MFC Printer Scanner.

    After successfully scanning many pages in batches I noticed the resolution of the images had suddenly reduced on screen. For the first time I noticed a task called Stub Loader in my tray and the scan interface File > Acquire Batch Scanning interface screen had changed. A further check showed the scan process was now using a WIA driver and not the original TWAIN driver. Forcing the Stub Loader task to end and rebooting has got me back to where I was originally with the TWAIN driver. Why did this happen and will it happen again?

    There is mention in forums such as this that the 32 bit version of IrfanView is preferred for scanning (or something like that) since the appropriate plug-ins have not been ported to the 64 bit version. Is that correct? Obviously I'd prefer to not run both a 32 bit and 64 bit unless there is no other option.

    When scanning with the TWAIN driver IrfanView gives me everything I need so I'd rather not use Windows Scan or other third party tool.

    In light of no responses to my question I have installed the 32 bit version. All seems fine for now.


      Yes, it is better to use the 32-bit version for scanning as it says in the FAQ.

      From the FAQ on
      64-bit will be faster for some operations due to supporting more RAM.
      Advantages of IrfanView 32-bit over 64-bit version:

      * Runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
      * Loads all files/images for normal needs (max. RAM size is about 1.3 GB)
      * Needs less disc space
      * All PlugIns will work: not all PlugIns are ported (yet) to 64-bit (like OCR) and some 32-bit PlugIns must be still used in the 64-bit version, some with limitations (see the "Plugins32" folder)
      * Some old 32-bit PlugIns (like RIOT and Adobe 8BF PlugIn) work only in compatibility mode in IrfanView-64
      * Command line options for scanning (/scan etc.) work only in 32-bit (because no 64-bit TWAIN drivers)
      Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.67 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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        For what it's worth, the following is a batch file I use to do scanning when I need it. Save it somewhere with a name like scan.cmd. Make a shortcut to it on your desktop. Double click to make a scan to scanfile##.pdf on your desktop. It will not overwrite previous scans. Drag and drop any other icon on the shotcut and it will loop and scan as many times as you need. You can specify a filename each time and it will create <your filename>##.pdf (numbered so if you use the same name more than once it will not overwrite). Enter a dash (-) for the filename and it will loop and scan using the default scanfile##.pdf naming. Brief instructions appear in the command window as you scan. I find that with my HP Scanner I can keep hitting ENTER in the default naming mode and scan over and over.

        @ echo off
        set IV=C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe
        IF .%1 == . "%IV%" /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,%USERPROFILE%\Desktop, pdf,1)
        IF .%1 == . exit
        cd "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
        echo Multiple scans
        echo enter filename without extension to name scan file
        IF .%filenm% == .- (
        echo hit enter to continue
        set /P stop=Type y to exit:
        ) ELSE (
        set filenm=
        echo hit enter to stop
        echo enter - to use default naming
        set /P filenm=Enter filename:
        IF .%stop% == .y set filenm=
        IF .%filenm% == . exit
        IF .%filenm% == .- "%IV%" /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,%USERPROFILE%\Desktop, pdf,1)
        IF NOT .%filenm% == .- "%IV%" /batchscan=(%filenm%,1,1,2,1,%USERPROFILE%\Desktop, pdf,1)
        goto loop
        Last edited by IrfanUserGuyxyx; 25.09.2023, 12:16 AM.


          Originally posted by winabbey View Post
          There is mention in forums such as this that the 32 bit version of IrfanView is preferred for scanning (or something like that) since the appropriate plug-ins have not been ported to the 64 bit version. Is that correct? Obviously I'd prefer to not run both a 32 bit and 64 bit unless there is no other option.
          I just wanted to mention that at some point, there's an option in the 64-bit version to "Use old TWAIN 1.x interface" in the Acquire/Batch Scanning options. I think that solves the issue of deciding to have both 32- and 64-bit versions install.

