I'm still in the dark-ages with a b/w Laserjet printer that seems indestructible (old HP laserjet from decades ago); it suits my needs pretty well as I get color prints made online. But often I find myself wanting to print a color map, and the results are terrible. If I just 'reduce color depth' to b/w, the map becomes illegible. I've tried using the 'FineThreshold' Adobe 8BF plugin, and by fine-tuning the 'threshold' to around 200 - 220 range, I can usually produce something barely serviceable but could be better.
Does anyone have any techniques for solving this in IrfanView, better than FineThreshold?
Here's a sample map that you would think would print pretty well in b/w but it's awful - the dashed lines are impossible to get to show without the background blotting out the lettering, even with FineThreshold:
Just wondering / hoping if any users have solved this one already! Thanks.
Does anyone have any techniques for solving this in IrfanView, better than FineThreshold?
Here's a sample map that you would think would print pretty well in b/w but it's awful - the dashed lines are impossible to get to show without the background blotting out the lettering, even with FineThreshold:
Just wondering / hoping if any users have solved this one already! Thanks.