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IrfanPaint Support Thread

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    Nice icon -- even if I never see it anywhere but here.

    Ourman -- you may be disappointed that there is no smudging, but it has saved me a lot of extra opening-in.
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes


      IrfanPaint released

      The new IrfanPaint stable release includes the following changes:
      • changed icon;
      • fixed a bug in the text tool (only in the previous version the ANSI richedit control was used, so it was impossible to insert non-ANSI characters in the images);
      • now also the hatch color is adjusted to the palette of the image;
      • removed string with ID 5101 ("This plug-in doesn't work on Windows 95, 98 and ME."), that now is hardcoded; this because my string-loading class (which includes the support for language files) works with unicode APIs, which do not work on Windows 9x/ME (and that string is displayed only on those OSes);
      • other minor changes to the code.

      This should be the version of IrfanPaint that will be shipped with IrfanView 4.2, that will be released soon.
      BTW I also changed something in the site, see the new help page (based on the Bhikkhu Pesala's one).
      Originally posted by Sam_Zen View Post
      BTW: Which toolbar ? If I run IV, I don't see any icon for IrfanPaint. (or option in the toolbar settings).
      A button will be added in the next IV version.
      Last edited by MItaly; 19.06.2008, 04:47 PM.
      IrfanPaint developer
      The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
      IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


        I will keep up the upgrade, but for the moment, I'm not able to test anything any more,
        because my main hardware collapsed completely, so I maintain net-connection now
        with an old laptop running W98, so IV Paint is not available.
        Rest In Peace, Sam!


          Looks fine here. The Unicode aware text control is essential for me.
          Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

          Irfan Paint • Irfan View Help • IrfanPaint Help • Riot.dll • More Skins • FastStone Capture • Uploads


            Lots of succes repairing your main system, Sam. Now your new avatar is appropriate on yourself... Hope you're with us soon from your desktop system.


              Thanks for the support, Sjef.
              Nothing to repair by the way. The thing went down electrically.
              I still have to see if I can rescue the contents of the HD, with a lot of work on it.

              And I learned from this that it is not handy to do all the work on one system.
              If something goes wrong, everything stops.
              Internet, the forums, and working professionally with audio/graphics.
              I'm going to set up two dedicated systems for these disciplines.
              Rest In Peace, Sam!


                ...Maybe a NAS-server in a network is an idea?


                  Such a choice is still miles away from the current situation. But this is getting off-topic.
                  Rest In Peace, Sam!


                    A stupid question

                    Hi -

                    I'd seen IrfanPaint listed elsewhere and decided to give it a try.

                    This may be a stupid question - but how do I access the plugin? I don't see the toolbar. I don't see any menu options. I looked under effects...

                    I placed the DLL in my Plugins directory. Irfanview (4.10) lists it as installed when I do Help -> Installed Plugins...

                    How do I get started? (You might want to consider adding this to your help page.)



                      An even stupider answer...

                      Never mind. I found the "Show Paint Dialog" menu option udner the Edit menu. I'd swear it didn't appear there until I clicked the "Post" button on this forum. :-)

                      Still, it would be a good addition to the help page at Just a line or two about where to look for the menu option and the fact that you can use F12 to activate it.

                      Thanks again.



                        Try here for some examples of the plugins...


                          IrfanPaint b0.4.12.65 released

                          The new IrfanPaint beta release includes the following changes:
                          • new measure tool;
                          • new INI section manager class for faster settings load and write;
                          • replaced some SendMessages with wrapper macros;
                          • fixed a bug in the ReplaceString function: if the replacement string was longer than the string to be replaced the characters after it were overwritten;
                          • minor changes to some window procedures;
                          • minor changes to the UIBaseTool class (to support per-tool settings saving/loading and show options dialog request);
                          • minor changes to the UIToolsContainer class (for the same reasons);
                          • minor changes all around to replace C-style strings with C++ strings (also because the new INI section manager class works with C++ strings);
                          • minor changes to the WindowMagnetizer class (now if the window is not magnetized the returned magnetization offset is 0).

                          BTW, with this version I reached and surpassed 10000 code lines.

                          If someone's intersted, here you can have a brief look in the internals of IrfanPaint.
                          Last edited by MItaly; 24.07.2008, 08:09 PM.
                          IrfanPaint developer
                          The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                          IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                            IrfanPaint b0.4.12.66 released

                            Just a fix for a very annoying bug (see the site).
                            Thanks to Leif for the quick bugreport.
                            IrfanPaint developer
                            The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                            IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                              Ooo, me goes and grabs it NOW!
                              Its: Belongs to "It"
                              It's: Shortened form of "It is"
                              Lose: Fail to keep
                              Loose: Not tight

                              Plurals do not require apostrophes


                                Measure tool

                                I like the new measure tool but because I'm just a user I like to get some enhancements ;-)

                                - The inch/mm values are not quite precise (at least not on my computers). I know the display drivers are not delivering accurate values (I expect you are using HORZSIZE). So it would be good to offer a possibility to calibrate the values (i.e. by entering a DPI or DPM value for the display). For sure in the moment you can add new units and calculate the right values, but ;-)

                                - To get the measuring results on the IP toolbar and not in a modal dialog would be fine

                                - A mode which respects the dpi of the bitmap plus the current zoom...


